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School Visits

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do you do school visits?

Yes, I sure do and, what's more, I love them!

2. Do you charge for school visits? 

Yes. No. Sort of. Well... it's complicated. :-)

School visits require travel time (sometimes lots of travel time) and time away from my main job--WRITNG!--so I do charge money to cover some of those costs. However, I understand that sometimes school budgets are tight, so I offer lots of options, some of them FREE. For example, I never charge for school visits to Title I schools, and if a whole class, book club, or homeschool collective has read one or more of my books, I do a virtual visit free for them as well. See below for even more options.

3. What kinds of visits do you offer?

Most frequently, teachers and librarians ask for what I call a Read & Answer Combo--that's where I do a short reading from one of my books, then spend time answering questions about my books and what it's like to be an author. R&A Combos can either be in person or online through a service like ZOOM, Skype, or GoogleHangouts. 

Other options include: 

Writing Workshops for Early Grades (Gr 1-3)

Writing Workshops for Upper Grades (Gr 4-6 or 7-12)

Reader's Theater (Gr 2-6)

4. How can we book you? 

Send me an email to info [at] MartiDumas [dot] com or through the contact me on this website.  Please be sure to include the grades/ages of the children who will attend, the number of children who will attend, which one(s) of my books the children are most excited about, and potential dates.


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